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Updated: Jul 15

Are you an aspiring tattoo artist? In this blog post, the Tattoo & Piercing School of Canada explains everything you need to know about choosing the right tattoo academy and courses to kickstart your career.

The Tattoo & Piercing School of Canada offers both piercing and tattoo courses. Visit our website to learn more about our courses.

A tattoo artist getting a tattoo on a person's leg

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Tattoo Academy in Brampton

Here are some tips on how to choose the right tattoo academy for your career:

  • Choose Your Tattoo Style – Are you an old-school tattoo enthusiast, or does your style lean more towards neotraditional? There exists a wide range of tattoo styles. Once you’ve picked the style you want to specialize in, you can select an academy whose courses can best meet your career goals.

  • Compare the Reputation and Accreditation of Different Academies – The reputation of a tattoo academy is a good indication of the quality of its courses. Proper accreditation also adds to an academy’s credibility as it helps to confirm the validity of the certifications and tattoo artist courses being offered.

  • Compare the Educational Programs and Teaching Styles of Different Academies – When choosing a tattoo artist course, it is important to evaluate certain factors. Different academies and courses will offer different programs and teaching styles. For instance, some academies offer more hands-on experience, while others may offer an extensive theoretical approach. Some academies will also allow you to train under the guidance of seasoned industry professionals. Depending on the course you opt for, you may even have the opportunity to work with actual clients as part of your practical training.

  • Seek the Guidance of Established Professionals in the Local Tattoo Community – Once you have shortlisted a few academies, you can also reach out to established tattoo artists in the area to ask for their feedback. Industry professionals will often have valuable insight into academies known to the local tattoo artists community. 

  • Consider the Location of the Academy’s Training Facilities – Based on the academy’s location, would you be willing to take a longer commute or relocate if needed?

Tips for Evaluating a Tattoo Academy’s Reputation and Accreditations

Here are some tips on how to assess the reputation and accreditations of a tattoo academy:

  • An easy first step is to check online reviews posted by current and former students.

  • If possible, visit the academy’s premises to gauge the nature of its environment. 

  • To assess the academy’s accreditation, you can also request application documents. These documents will normally feature a list of the academy’s accreditations. 

  • Review the curriculum of the tattoo artist courses being offered for some insight into the depth and quality of the educational material.

  • Check the credentials of the instructors before completing your application process.

Would you like to learn more about the accreditations of the Tattoo & Piercing School of Canada? Visit our FAQ page.

Tattoo Artist Courses in Brampton 

Are you ready to take the next step in your tattoo artist career? The Tattoo & Piercing School of Canada offers grassroots tattoo and piercing courses for beginners in Brampton, as well as refresher courses in both fields. You can complete your registration with us online. You can also contact us to learn more about our tattoo artist courses in Brampton.


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